Sunday, April 23, 2017

3 Mistakes that Stymie Effectiveness in Healthcare Leadership

Effective leadership will require not just doing the proper things, but additionally knowing what not to do. Below are 3 mistakes to avoid.

Not scheduling time for learning conversations

As you listen, you learn. Arrange consistent opportunities to ask clarifying, concise and clear questions to your team members, as well as discipline yourself to actively listen. It’ll provide you with important intelligence to do two main functions of a leader: providing resources and removing obstacles.

You can’t know the obstacles impeding success nor the resources required by your staff if you are not consistently arranging highly interactive learning discussions.

Not consistently affirming

Maybe the most efficient tool for energizing, motivating, and emboldening your staff is the amazing power of affirmation. Simply put, affirming is catching individuals doing the right things and telling them about it. Do not just think about it; say it.


As you go to the doctor, he’ll ask questions and most times follow up with tests prior to prescribing actions made to remedy an injury or illness. And why? For the security of patients and for the crucial business advantage of avoiding a malpractice suit. The exception might be under emergency circumstances in which time is of the essence.

If you’re always making choices in business as if you work inside the emergency department, your business’ health will be in a consistent state of trauma. A correct diagnosis of the “ailments” that affect your business is needed to make the choices needed to have a prosperous and healthy business. This process will necessitate collecting accurate and appropriate data—see the aforementioned part on scheduling time for learning conversations—rather than randomly moving forward with activity which may or may not generate the desired results.

Most executives or business owners want to bring in outside assistance to “treat” an issue which was incorrectly, inadequately, or improperly diagnosed. Prior to help being formally acquired, they must answer the following question: “What is it that we want to achieve?” With this question clarified, a decision might be made on how to accomplish the desired outcome as effectively as possible.

Leading Management Solutions is a healthcare management solutions company providing assistance and resources to healthcare management. Contact us today at (407) 674-1916 or visit to learn more.

About the Author:

Kristen Brady is the founder and owner of Kaboom Social Media, your social media marketing and content specialists! Follow her on Twitter: @kb54927